Molecular Analysis of LARI chicken population based on HVR-I region of Mitochondrial DNA

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sharekord University, Sharekord, Iran

2 Animal Science Dept. Sharekord University, Iran.

3 Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sharekord University, Sharekord, Iran


Iranian native chickens are considered as the basic genetic material for breeding programs. Breeding programs principally require identification and conservation of genetic diversity of these populations. Assessment of mitochondrial genome in one breed and comparing it with other breeds can give a good indicator of diversity in that population. In order to assess the genetic diversity among Iranian Lari chickens, 23 chickens were selected from Larestan County in Fars Province as the sample of the study. Then, DNA was extracted after blood sampling. The HVR-I section of D-loop region of mitochondrial genome was amplified using specific primers and then the amplified fragments were sequenced after purification. A total of 21 high quality sequences was obtained, among which 5SNPs were identified. Three haplotypes were found from the analysis of the obtained sequences. They were recorded in GenBank under access codes of KF957610, KF957611, and kF957612. Similar mitochondrial genome sequences of other breeds existing in GenBank and Iranian Marandi and Mazandarani chickens were obtained and then the corresponding phylogenic tree was drawn. Phylogenic results indicated that Iranian Lari chickens are more similar to Marandi and Mazandarani, Azerbaijan native, barred Plymouth Rock, and Silky and Sonerati chicken breeds. Then it can be concluded that Iranian Lari native chickens breed may have genetic similarities with these breed.


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